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These are the results of your search:

APT Advanced Photoscale Technology (Brother)

APVE [Parhelia] Audio, Photo, Video, Express (Matrox), "APVe"

DCF Design rule for Camera File system (JEIDA, photo)

DCS Digital Colour System (Adobe, Photoshop)

EPP Easy PhotoPrint (Canon)

EXIF Exchangeable Image File Format (DCF, photo, CIPA)

JPEG Joint Photographics Expert Group (Org., JTC1, RFC 1521, JPEG)

LBCAST Lateral Buried Charge Accumulator and Sensing Transistor array (Nikon, photo)

MP MegaPIXEL (PIXEL, photo)

OPC Organic Photo Conductor

PCD Photo CD (Kodak, CD)

PDV Photorealistic Data Visualization

PES Photo-Electric Scanning (DTP)

PHOTON paneuropean PHOtonic Transport Overlay Network (ACTS)

PIMA Photographic & Imaging Manufacturers Association (Org., Vorläufer, I3C)

RGBE Red Green Blue Emerald (Farbsystem, photo, Sony)

SR Sensitivity Range (Fuji, photo, CCD)

A total of 17 terms has been found.

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Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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[Sat September 21 07:24 2024]