V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was TCP/*IP
Search option was acronym
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These are the results of your search:

CIDS Cabin Intercommunication Data System (Airbus, A380, TCP/IP)

CIFS Common Internet File System (TCP/IP)

DDNS Distributed Domain Naming Service (TCP/IP)

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (TCP/IP, IETF, RFC 2131)

DPI Deep Packet Inspection (TCP/IP, UDP)

GPRS General Packet Radio Service / System (ETSI, GSM, TCP/IP, GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

ICAP Internet Calendar Access Protocol (TCP/IP, Lotus)

ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol [version 4] (TCP/IP, RFC 792, Internet)

IDA Interface for Distributed Automation (TCP/IP)

IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (CORBA, Internet, ONE, GIOP, TCP/IP)

ISN Initial Segment / Sequence Number (TCP/IP)

ITOT ISO Transport service on TCP/IP (ISO, TCP/IP, RFC 2126)

IUCV Inter-User Communications Vehicle (IBM, TCP/IP, API, VM/ESA, CP)

MSL Maximum Segment Lifetime (TCP/IP)



PING Packet InterNet Groper (ICMP, TCP/IP)

PMTU Path MTU Recovery (MTU, TCP/IP)

RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol (TV, WWW, UDP, TCP/IP, RDP, Multicast, VoIP, RFC 2326)

RWS Remote WinSock (Windows, TCP/IP)

SML Shared Memory Link (TCP/IP)

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (RFC 821, TCP/IP)

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (RFC 1157/1902, TCP/IP, IETF)

SPI Stateful Packet Inspection (TCP/IP)

TCPIP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (RFC 793, IP) "TCP/IP"

TOE TCP/IP Offline Engine (TCP/IP, IC)

A total of 26 acronyms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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[Sat September 21 05:26 2024]